Man-Manual Story Selector!
Check out what's gone on so far. |
Memories of Man-Man I am getting SUCH a kick out of these. Chris "Superosity" Crosby sent us a late entry, which we may be sticking up...uh...Saturday? Sunday? I dunno. THEY ARE ALL MAGNIFICENT! THE BIG SWITCHEROOWe're rocketing out of Keen Orbit and touching down on Planet Xerexes sometime this weekend -- I just sent the new DNS info off to our registrar to be updated, and according to JR Conlin it should take two or three days to "kick in." WWW.MAN-MAN.ORG will send people to the new address after that, and manmancomics.keenspace.com will lead people here. This would be a good time to UPDATE YOUR FAVOURITES so that you're no longer heading to manmancomics.keenspace.com, but rather www.man-man.org. Many, many thanks to webmaestro JR Conlin and space provider Xavier Xerexes, and SUPER thanks to KEENSPACE for being there for all up-and-coming cartoonists for THREE YEARS NOW. It's been a bumpy ride from time to time, but it's a hell of a community and a great service to the world in general.
Mondays through Fridays,tune in for ACTION
in the Mighty Man-Man Manner daily!
And check out James' Man-Man Saturdays on, uh, Saturdays!